Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Broccoli Cream with Celery and Patisson

Spring time! Today serving healthy and green cream. Cream - soups are our favorites. They are easy to prepare and are full of vitamins and nourishment. Even the greatest choosey eater will enjoy the mixed vegetables (vitamins). Soup - creams provide a sense of satiety for longer than the standard soup. Bon appetit!

Ingredients for 3 liters of cream-soup

1.5 liters of veggie bullion or meat broth

500 g green celery

500 g broccoli, fresh or frozen

1 patisson, large

2 cloves of garlic

2 onions, medium

Sea salt and color pepper to taste


Boiled carrots


Roasted seeds


Peel garlic, onion and patisson, cut into small pieces and fry in a pan, where the soup will be cooked. After approx. 20 minutes, add the hot bouillon / broth, season. 5 minutes before end of cooking add broccoli florets. Blend the soup in a blender. Serve with carrots, walnuts and / or seeds. Done. Enjoy the soup!

 Recipe comes from my heart and was created in my head.